Why is my application suspended?
Suspension means you have an outstanding action to complete. The suspension is shown in the Application Overview and the system displays an alert banner to lead you to the appropriate action.
Any application that has an outstanding action and you have the level of access required to resolve the action is included in the Actions to be taken list on your dashboard.
The most common reasons for suspension are:
outstanding payment
Actions to be taken list
The Actions to be taken list on your Dashboard shows suspended applications that have an outstanding action, where you have the access level required to resolve the issue.
Suspension indicators
In lists, suspended application icons are red with an alert symbol. A red and white pause status indicator is shown in the progress bar in any lists and in the Application Overview.
Suspension notifications
Objective Build notifies the Agent or Registered Owner, or the primary contact for the current stage of the process, that the application is suspended and the reason for suspension. The notifications include a link to the application in Objective Build and usually open an application page where you can take the required action.
On this page
Application stages and statuses
Requests for further information
Start an application from a template
Cancel or withdraw an application or consent
Duplicate an application or consent
Archive or restore an application
Respond to an RFI and submit an RFI round
Common questions
Why can't I edit my application?
How to find draft applications
Application | Forms / Applications